Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Last Words

Has your notion of "What is Theatre" changed or expanded this semester?

This is your last post/comments of the semester.  In this discussion I want you to make connections and process what you have been exposed to in MUTH 127.
  • No comments such as "I like" or "I don't like".  
  • Write to help your reader understand a connection that you made between the different topics of the term or a repeated theme that you recognize. (Connect, link)
  • Write to share your insights.  (New ideas)
  • Add some "related" material (links, video, ??) that you have found as you researched and explored. (Expand

 Add add a significant post and add full comments to at least two other posts.  Feel free to do more than this and make sure that everyone gets a comment - don't leave anyone out.

Deadline for posts is Thursday April 19.
Deadline for comments is Monday April 23.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Practice : Curious?

What makes you curious about the history of acting, theatre and musicals?  Anything you've always wanted to know about?  Do you know something that you'd like to share.

(DA RULES: Try both "posting" and "commenting" to get the hang of both. I will expect to see at least one of each. Check out "Post Options" and allow reader comments please.)