I'm the kind of guy who likes watching a movie with a lot of action in a play or movie. Watching someone shuffle across a floor with some socks at a snails pace can take its toll on me. So, that is why I can appreciate Kabuki theater. Now I know someone has already posted about this but I this is the only one I found interesting.
Here is a Kabuki Fight scene, taken in Osaka. To me, this is so much more entertaining than any other video I've seen like Noh. Fight scenes with a lot of yelling and fighting sure beats a slow shuffling of feet. But of course, that is just my opinion.
Here is also an official Kabuki website.
Very interesting post Stu, I appreciate the change of pace and found the fighting fascinating. The relaxed style and fluidity paired with the yelling and the sharp music made the fight seem larger than life true to the aragoto style described in your link, especially considering the odds the protagonist had to conquer.