Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The End

One thing that really stuck for me is the popularity of live theatre. Back then, it was like a religion, literally. Now, not so much. On Broadway, yes, it is popular and many people go to them. But around here in Vancouver, as an example, most of the shows I've been to have only filled half the seats. Theater then had a different meaning then it does today, in other words. I guess I just don't like how theater is labeled nowadays. And that we won't make a lot of money, if any at all.

Would theater be more popular if we used mask work more frequently? Like in the good old days of Greece. That'd be cool. Coming back to how theater is viewed today, people would probably be a little creeped out. Especially if we were to do satyr plays. That stuff would not go well.

Anyway, I think I'd like to see a Greek performance back in the day if I could travel through time. Get a feel for what it was like. I picture BC Place split in half and cheering just as loudly as if there were a touchdown.

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