Thursday, April 19, 2012

Final Thoughts: What is Theatre

My notion of the definition of theatre has not changed much, if at all. It's always been a very broad term for me, and is subjective. Different things mean different things to different people, and theatre is no exception. What one may see as theatre, others may not. For me, it's such a broad term that you can't really label it. There are so many forms of theatre that weren't touched on in class that would be so exciting to explore. For example, flash mobs, human behaviour, and popular artists such as Mariah Carey. To me, allof these are things which qualify as theatre. As it is, our time together was short and we were only able to explore one of the many branches of the theatre tree. A recurring theme which popped up for me during the course was rebellion against higher powers. For Oedipus, it was fate. For Romeo and Juliet and Spring Awakening, it was the parents. For West Side Story, it was human ignorance and our own minds and preconceptions. Unfortunately, in the span of a term we can only dig so deep. Although we merely scratched the surface of available knowledge, knowing this class, I'm sure we'll keep searching.

To end on a high note:

1 comment:

  1. Your final video made me laugh.
    And I also really like the points about how broad theatre is.


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