Monday, January 30, 2012

Bursting the Grape

I do not like when people talk about how good their own performance was. What stood out to me was when they claimed they had summoned Dionysus. I felt the way the presence of Dionysus was explained was exaggerated and a bit conceited. I have a tough time understanding how in 2003, an artistic drama group brought back a 2500 year old god just for a few seconds while he says something he supposedly said two and a half millenniums ago. They said sometime his presence was not pleasant because some of the actors would get out of control. I feel like the actors might have been taking what they were doing too far rather than having their bodies taken over by the ancient Greek god for a moment. Of course, I wasn't there. I don't know and it really just could be the point of view of the review author that I didn't like but based on what I read, it was a bunch of overzealous actors who take themselves too seriously.


  1. I agree completely! I agree that the actors may have taken the experience way to far.

  2. Very interesting point Ben, I didn't think of it like that. Whether the performance was overly self-indulgent or not ,however, I did still appreciate the descriptive language being used to review the production.I think if one reads between the lines this take is completely valid and is comparable to the dangers of method acting.


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