Monday, January 16, 2012

What attracts you to a show?

So I know that when I started developing a love of musicals it was the story telling nature of the music that really spoke to me.
What predominately resonates with you when you see or choose a "good musical": Dancing, comedic timing, clever writing, orchestrations, a certain favorite actor/actress, etc. :)

1 comment:

  1. Personally, I have three ways to answer this question.

    1. As a prospective audience member.
    I think that all musicals (and plays) deserve a chance to be seen. I have been to MANY shows where I leave feeling like it might have not been the best show to see (and sometimes I leave going "well that was awful"), but theres always a positive aspect in a show. As an audience member, I really look to see something that is cohesive, has a story, and is polished. I don't care if the dancing is step-touch or pas-de-chat, as long as it is polished and energized. I love it when the music in a show advances the plot, but it isn't always a must. I think when I leave the theatre feeling satisfied, it is because I have gone on a journey with the performers onstage. Because each show is different in it's demands, I would say that I enjoy shows most when the demands of the show are embraced (if that makes any sense) and that the story is told in the best way possible.
    2. As a performer looking for work I want to do.
    Really it comes down to the questions as to whether or not I am challenged in the piece, if I know people involved, if I like the source material (music/book/etc), if it's a show I always wanted to do, if it is an opportunity to share a story that I find value in...
    3. As a director working for a theatre company.
    One of my favorite things about helping run a theatre company is that I get to help pick shows. So when I go hunting, I always am thinking "Is this something that our company could realistically do?" Will people come? Is the technical element too insane? Is the cast size right? Girl/Boy Ratio? Is it out of our price range? But most importantly, I ask - Is this a show that resonates the ideas that we are looking to share? Theatre is a shared experience. It is a gift from the playwright to the company to the director to the actors and to the audience. It is meant to be shared and though there are many logistical factors that fall into choosing a production, the story has to make sense with the vision for the company. (Again, mumbo jumbo. Hope it makes sense.)

    Just my two cents. :)


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